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WEB Der Die Das - Rules for Articles in German


This article is intended for those who start learning German at level A1.

What is an article?

An article is a short text that is usually published in a newspaper, magazine, or on a website.

Articles in German

In German, there are three types of articles: *

Definite articles

The definite articles are der (masculine), die (feminine), and das (neuter). They are used before nouns that refer to specific things. *

Indefinite articles

The indefinite articles are ein (masculine), eine (feminine), and ein (neuter). They are used before nouns that refer to general things. *

Zero article

The zero article is used when no article is needed. This is the case when the noun is used in a general sense or when it is preceded by a possessive adjective.

How to use articles in German

The use of articles in German is relatively straightforward. The following rules will help you to use articles correctly: *

Use the definite article when the noun refers to a specific thing.

Example: Der Mann geht zur Arbeit. (The man is going to work.) *

Use the indefinite article when the noun refers to a general thing.

Example: Ich suche einen Hund. (I am looking for a dog.) *

Use the zero article when the noun is used in a general sense or when it is preceded by a possessive adjective.

Example: Ich mag Kaffee. (I like coffee.)


Articles are an important part of German grammar. By understanding the rules for using articles, you will be able to speak and write German more correctly.
